Adult Testing Packages
ADHD testing includes neuropsychological testing to asses areas of strengths and weakness in attention, memory, processing speed, executive functioning, language, and visual-spatial skills. It also includes an evaluation of mental health symptoms.
Autism testing includes an in-depth interview about experiences with social difficulties, sensory concerns, special interests, and more. It also includes standardized questionnaires and an evaluation of mental health symptoms.
This testing package includes testing for things such as bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD, schizophrenia and other psychosis, personality disorders, etc. Some people know exactly what they want testing for. For other people, maybe things just don’t feel right, but they aren’t sure what is going on – and that’s ok! During your initial evaluation, the Psychologist will help decide which tests are needed based on the concerns you have. The mental health testing package involves completing in-depth questionnaires about a variety of mental health symptoms as well as questions about your personality.
Adult gifted testing includes IQ testing. This testing can also be included as part of autism testing, ADHD testing, mental health testing, and learning disability testing.
Testing for conditions such as dyslexia or dyscalculia. This package also includes ADHD and neuropsychological testing
Learn more about our adult learning disability testing package.
Basic neuropsychological testing is included as part of the ADHD evaluation. Comprehensive neuropsychological testing is for people who have concerns related to memory, dementia/Alzheimer's disease, head injury, seizures, or other neurological concerns.
Learn more about our adult comprehensive neuropsychological testing package.
We provide psychological evaluations required for bariatric surgery, spinal cord stimulator surgery, and organ transplant. This testing consists of questionnaires about mental health symptoms after meeting with the Psychological for the initial evaluation appointment.
We provide pre-employment psychological evaluations required for some work situations such as Police departments and government agencies (i.e. Military, Border Patrol, Homeland Security, etc.) . This testing consists of questionnaires about mental health symptoms after meeting with the Psychological for the initial evaluation appointment.